


主演:贝伦·鲁埃达 / 马诺洛·卡多纳 / Florin·Opritescu / 恩里克·洛维索 / 玛丽安·阿尔瓦雷斯 / Ivan·Mendes

导演:Norberto·López·Amado / Sara





Laura Alonso is a Spanish lawyer from Madrid who arrives Democratic Republic of Congo (center of Africa) after to watch a photo where Sara, her younger sister, appears alive after two years without clues about her location. Looking for contacts, Laura realize that Sara was photographed in the region of Goma, one of the most troubled zones of the country due to the warlords and their inner war by the possession of the coltan, a so much appreciated and expensive mineral to export across the world. Determined to go until the end despite not knowing the country nor the language, Laura contacts Sergio Rojas, a Latin businessman, to get the way to travel Goma. But after to discover the real interests of Sergio, Laura asks help Sven, a former part-time Sara's lover, to go Goma. Sven finds Jamir, a young former war-child who reluctant accept Laura's offer to help her. Together they both start a journey from Kinsasa (DR of Congo's capital) to Goma. Along the travel, Laura's life not only will ...



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